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50 UCAPAN Hari Kemerdekaan ke-75 RI, 17 Agustus 2020, Cocok untuk Dikirim via WhatsApp

Sebanyak 50 ucapan Hari Kemerdekaan ke-75 Republik Indonesia yang jatuh pada 17 Agustus 2020 berikut ini, cocok untuk dikirim via WhatsApp.

Penulis: Whiesa Daniswara
Editor: Citra Agusta Putri Anastasia
zoom-in 50 UCAPAN Hari Kemerdekaan ke-75 RI, 17 Agustus 2020, Cocok untuk Dikirim via WhatsApp
SE Kemensetneg nomor B-456/M.Sesneg/Set/TU.00.04/06/2020.
Logo HUT RI ke-75 - Sebanyak 50 ucapan Hari Kemerdekaan ke-75 Republik Indonesia yang jatuh pada 17 Agustus 2020 berikut ini, cocok untuk dikirim via WhatsApp. 

Tanpa kebebasan, kita tidak punya nama, satu visi, satu identitas, satu bangsa.

Jika negara kita layak untuk mati selama perang, kita juga harus menyadari bahwa itu layak untuk dijalani di masa damai!


Mari kita hormati setiap pahlawan, karena tanpa mereka, kebebasan tidak akan ada.

Apa yang mereka lakukan, kami tidak akan pernah bisa membalasnya. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan ke-75 RI untuk para pahlawanku!


Cintaku pada bangsaku adalah kelayakan. Cintaku untuk bangsaku tidak ada habisnya.

Berita Rekomendasi

Yang saya inginkan untuk negara saya adalah kebahagiaan. Izinkan saya menjadi orang pertama yang mengucapkan selamat Hari Kemerdekaan yang istimewa!


Sudah lebih dari puluhan tahun sejak kakek-nenek kami memenangkan pertempuran pertama dan paling krusial untuk negara ini.

Tetapi kami masih dapat merasakan rasa kebebasan dan kemerdekaan. Itu adalah sesuatu yang akan kami hargai sampai akhir. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan ke-75 RI!


Hari ini sangat penting bagi negara kita dan kita masing-masing sebagai warganya.

Ini adalah hari dimana Indonesia dibentuk. Ini adalah hari ketika kami secara resmi merdeka dan mandiri.

Ini adalah hari yang tidak akan pernah kami lupakan. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan ke-75 RI!


Mari buat keputusan yang kuat, hargai bangsa kita dan jangan pernah melupakan pengorbanan dari mereka yang memberi kita kebebasan. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan!


Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan untuk semua orang. Saya berharap kalian semua percaya pada kata-kata, kebebasan dalam pikiran dan kebanggaan dalam jiwa kalian.

Mari hargai bangsa yang mulia ini pada Hari Kemerdekaannya!


Ini saat yang tepat bagi kalian untuk menunjukkan tindakan kebebasan.

Buat diri kalian dikenal. Jangan pernah mengikuti jejak orang lain, bebaskan dirimu, lagipula kamu mandiri! Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan ke-75 RI!


Mari rayakan dan nikmati kebebasan yang memberi kita kemungkinan untuk hidup mandiri, saling membantu dan ceria.

Semoga dengan merefleksikan masa lalu kita dan mengenang pahlawan nasional kita yang memberi kita kebebasan total setelah bertahun-tahun menderita dan dipermalukan.


Dari sepenuh hati, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada semua orang dengan hari yang indah ini.

Ini hari besar bagi negara kita. Semoga menjadi Hari Kemerdekaan terbaik!


Mari salut para pahlawan kita atas pengorbanan yang mereka buat dan hargai yang mereka berikan kepada kita hari ini. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan ke-75 RI!


Kemerdekaan adalah anugerah Tuhan yang spesial dan berharga. Semoga hidup kita selalu tetap mandiri. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan ke-75 RI!


Saat kalian merayakan hari ini, ingatlah selalu bahwa tidak ada bangsa yang sempurna dan itu hanya bisa disempurnakan oleh saya dan kalian.

Selamat merdeka, bangga jadi warga negara Indonesia!


Mari kita angkat tangan dan rayakan hari ini. Mari kita berdiri tegak untuk menunjukkan rasa hormat kepada orang-orang hebat yang mati demi kemerdekaan kita.

Mari nyanyikan lagu kebangsaan kita dengan bendera di tangan dan rayakan hari yang indah ini!

Bahasa Inggris

The future, progress, and development of our great country do not depend solely on technological advancements but on how we build social cohesion and trust between our nation and its people.

Let's continue building a great nation we can all rely on and be proud of. Happy 17th of August!


As a nation, we need good leaders who we can trust—the kind of leaders who always put the public's wellbeing above their political or personal interests so that the yearnings and aspirations of the common people can be realized.

This is my message to all as we mark this year's Independence Day anniversary. Have a fun celebration!


As we celebrate our nation’s independence, let’s remember our past leaders who lost their lives in the battle for the freedom we are enjoying today.

Have a wonderful Independence Day!


Every citizen should have a sense of belonging wherever they find themselves.

May all our politicians rise to the great task of building trust between the people and the nation so we can have peace and stability in our country.

Here’s wishing everyone a happy freedom day celebration!


Freedom does not come so easily. We are all indebted to our national heroes who made this country what it is today.

As patriotic citizens, let’s put extra effort into performing our own civic responsibilities.

Our diversity should not be seen as a weakness but as our greatest strength.

It is only by working together that we can build a resilient and thriving nation.


Your contribution to moving the country forward is very important.

We need to be mindful of how our actions and inactions affect other people's wellbeing. Have a fun-filled celebration!


Let us be mindful of everything we can do for our nation to make it a place of wealth, peace, and happiness.

Here’s wishing you and your family a safe and happy Independence Day!


Here’s wishing you and your family the best the nation has to offer as we celebrate our country’s independence!


As we remember our national heroes today, let’s renew our pledge to always uphold our national unity so that we can live together in peace and harmony. Happy Independence Day!


May the flag of our country fly higher and higher each year as we mark the anniversary of our independence.


Again, it is time for us to show other nations that we are great people from a great nation.

Let's continue to work toward the prosperity and betterment of our dear country. Have a wonderful Independence Day!


As we mark our [insert number] Independence Day today, try to think of something that you have done to better the welfare of the people.

If nothing comes to mind, then try to think of what you might be able to do in the future. Happy Independence Day!


I am pleased and honored to be a part of this peaceful and free nation.

Here’s wishing everyone a safe and happy Independence Day celebration.


The labor of our past leaders should not be in vain.

As we rejoice today, let’s remember them and pledge to always strive our hardest to uphold the freedom and unity they fought for.

Have a wonderful Independence Day!


Today marks our nation’s [insert number] Independence Day. We need to be mindful of our attitude toward others, say no to corruption, and give every citizen a sense of belonging.

In doing these things, we can build and sustain the kind of nation our past heroes dreamt of and laid down their lives for.


Always remember the sacrifice of our national heroes who took made this country what it is today.

United we stand! Let us work hard and strive together as a united people to build an indivisible nation that is filled with peace, love, happiness, and prosperity.


Let’s remind ourselves of the message delivered on the day our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence.

Let’s pledge to always say no to violence and terrorism, protect the nation’s security and unity, and feel proud of being citizens of this great country.

Here’s wishing you a fun-filled Independence Day!


This country deserves your loyalty not only on a special day like this but always. Have a fun celebration!


Each time I remember those who laid down their lives for this day of freedom we are celebrating, tears roll down my cheeks.

I wish they were alive today to see how the country is progressing toward greatness.


If I am given an opportunity to be born into this world again, I will choose to live my life over and over in this great country filled with happiness, love, and shared prosperity. Happy Independence Day!


On this day, we come together, we unite and make it another beautiful day to speak and fight against corruption while we spiral the flag of our beautiful nation.


Let’s make strong decisions to value our dear nation. We will never forget the sacrifice our freedom fighters had made.

Now it’s our turn to reform the country. Happy Independence Day!


Thousands of people laid down their dear lives for our country to breathe this day, we should never forget their sacrifice.

Happy Independence Day!


Today is the day, that our nation sings aloud, this is the day, that our liberty bells rings aloud, this is the day we shall start to remember what we truly stands for and celebrate our independence.

Happy Independence Day!


Celebrate the free spirit of our nation, may this Independence Day fill your life with joy and prosperity.

Happy independence!


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