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5 Fakta Farrah Azizah Cucu BJ Habibie, Putri Thareq Kemal Habibie Mahir 3 Bahasa & Selalu Modis

Ingin tahu lebih banyak soal Farrah Azizah Habibie Habibie cucu BJ Habibie? Berikut ini 5 fakta Farrah Azizah Habibie Habibie yang perlu kamu tahu.

Editor: Mohammad Rifan Aditya
zoom-in 5 Fakta Farrah Azizah Cucu BJ Habibie, Putri Thareq Kemal Habibie Mahir 3 Bahasa & Selalu Modis
Instagram/ Farrah Azizah Habibie
5 Fakta Farrah Azizah Cucu BJ Habibie, Putri Thareq Kemal Habibie Mahir 3 Bahasa & Selalu Modis 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM  - Farrah Azizah Habibie cucu BJ Habibie kini menjadi sorotan.

Setelah kepergian BJ Habibie, Farrah Azizah Habibie mengungkapkan kesedihannya.

Berikut sosok Farrah Azizah Habibie dan fakta-fakta menarik putri Thareq Kemal Habibie.

Meninggalnya Presiden ke-3 Republik Indonesia, BJ Habibie pada hari Rabu (11/9/2019) lalu membuat banyak pihak merasa kehilangan yang besar.

Satu diantaranya adalah cucu BJ Habibie yang bernama Farrah Azizah Habibie.

Melalui Instagram pribadinya, Farrah Azizah Habibie mengungkapkan kesedihannya ditinggal oleh BJ Habibie.

 Intip Cantiknya Menantu BJ Habibie, Istri Thareq Kemal Habibie Ternyata Profesinya Bikin Kagum

 Melanie Subono Lega Atas Kepergian BJ Habibie, Ungkap Kondisi Terakhir Suami Ainun, Betapa Dia Rindu

 Kerendahan Hati BJ Habibie Diungkap Mahasiswa yang Kuliah di Jerman, Tak Segan Menyapa & Berkenalan

Farrah Azizah Habibie menyebut kepergian BJ Habibie seperti sebuah mimpi buruk baginya.

Berita Rekomendasi

"Honestly, this doesn’t feel real. It feels like this is all just a crazy nightmare. It feels like you’re still in kuningan and I’ll see you when I go there. None of us thought that you would go this soon. I have so many precious and happy memories with you Eyang. From swimming at your house every Sunday with Farhan, going grocery shopping with you because you want to eat shabu shabu at home with the family, or you listening to music in the car and we would just laugh at how loud it was.

Dari aku kecil aku sama Farhan selalu di suruh nemenin Eyang Kakung kemana2, and I wouldn’t take any of it back. Looking back, only happy memories comes to mind. Even if we didn’t to see eye to eye, you would still tell me how proud you were of me for being honest and expressing my opinions. Whenever I saw you, Eyang selalu bilang Eyang bangga sama aku. You always told us that just seeing us laugh and play, was enough for you.

Whenever we came to see you, your eyes would always sparkle. You mean the world to me Eyang. It feels like just yesterday, pas aku ketemu Eyang all you could say was how beautiful you thought I was, sampe aku malu banget dan cuman bisa ketawa. With any endeavour I was going to pursue in my life, you would never fail to reassure me that you believed in me and would always support me. Halaman 2 =========>

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