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Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat Maulid Nabi Muhammad: Bahasa Indonesia, Inggris, dan Gambar

Kumpulan ucapan selamat Maulid Nabi Muhammad yang diperingati Kamis (29/10/2020) besok. Ucapan dalam bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, dan gambar.

Penulis: Sri Juliati
Editor: Muhammad Renald Shiftanto
zoom-in Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat Maulid Nabi Muhammad: Bahasa Indonesia, Inggris, dan Gambar
Kumpulan ucapan selamat Maulid Nabi Muhammad yang diperingati Kamis (29/10/2020) besok. Ucapan dalam bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, dan gambar. 

20. Jika kita mengaku mencintai Nabi tentu kita akan melakukan semua ajarannya dan menjadikan semua kebiasaan hidup Nabi sama dengan hidup kita.
Termasuk menyambut bahagia dan suka cita saat hari Maulid Nabi tiba.

Baca juga: Kumpulan 40 Ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW, Bahasa Indonesia hingga Bahasa Inggris

Baca juga: Daftar Kata-kata Ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad 2020, Kirim via WA, jadi Status di IG, FB, Twitter

Ucapan selamat Maulid Nabi Muhammad dalam bahasa Inggris:

21. Congratulations on Welcoming the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 12 Rabiul Awal 1441 Hijri.
May be a role model for us all.

22. Congratulations on Welcoming the Birthday of the Great Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
Hopefully we are always on the right path, which is the path that is blessed by Allah. Aamiin

23. Hope Mawlid al-Nabi brings you the gift of happiness and blessings today and always!

24. Peace be upon our beloved prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

25. Attend as many Mawlid gatherings as you can and learn about the beauty, character, kindness, compassion and exalted traits and habits of the Beloved.

Berita Rekomendasi

26. Love, love, love Rabī al-Awwal Subhān Allāh.
The joy and happiness that surrounds those who celebrate the Milad is infectious and you can't help but be enveloped in it.
Long may it continue. Happy Eid, Birth of the Prophet Muhammad

27. The blessed month of Mawlid and Milad has opened its treasures. Seek its blessings by increasing the remembrance of the Beloved

28. Mawlid al-Nabi Mubarak to all our brothers and sisters around the world.
May Allah make this a night of repentance, forgiveness and closeness to the noble Prophet who graced us at dawn on this blessed day. Rejoice!

29. Blessed Mawlid Al Nabi 2020/1442 HToday, 12 Rabi' AlAwwal, the world celebrates the birth of Prophet Muhammad and his glorious legacy of Mercy To The Worlds.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, called for a moderate and balanced approach to religion.

30. Even the moon was wishing Prophet Muhammad SAW Happy Birthday Mawlid by shining so much last night! Eid Milad Un-Nabi Saw Mubarak

Ucapan selamat Maulid Nabi Muhammad dalam gambar:


Ucapan selamat Maulid Nabi Muhammad
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