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KUMPULAN Ucapan Selamat Hari Guru Nasional 25 November, dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia

Berikut ucapan selamat Hari Guru Nasional dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Hari Guru Nasional diperingati setiap tanggal 25 November.

Penulis: Nuryanti
Editor: Ayu Miftakhul Husna
zoom-in KUMPULAN Ucapan Selamat Hari Guru Nasional 25 November, dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia
Tribun Jabar
Selamat Hari Guru Nasional 2021 

36. Anda adalah percikan, inspirasi, panduan, lilin dalam hidup saya. Selamat Hari Guru!

37. Saya beruntung memiliki guru sehebat Anda. Tanpa bimbingan Anda, saya tidak akan mencapai apa pun dalam hidup!

38. Orang tua memberi kita kehidupan dan seorang guru mengajari kita bagaimana menjalaninya. Terima kasih telah menjadi cahaya penuntun dalam hidupku. Selamat Hari Guru!

39. Guru yang terkasih, Terima kasih telah mendukung saya dan mencerahkan jalan saya. Kalau saja saya bisa mendapatkan restu Anda seumur hidup, saya akan berhasil seperti yang selalu saya lakukan. Selamat Hari Guru yang luar biasa.

40. Terima kasih telah menjadi pembimbing saya dan mengajari saya pelajaran hidup. Selamat Hari Guru untuk semua guruku!

41. Guru yang baik membangun pengetahuan; Guru yang hebat membangun karakter. Mengirimkan harapan tulus saya pada Hari Guru ini!

42. Semua upaya dan kerja keras yang Anda investasikan untuk menghasilkan yang terbaik dalam diri kami tidak akan pernah terbayar dengan kata-kata. Kami hanya bisa merasa bersyukur memiliki guru seperti Anda!

Berita Rekomendasi

43. Saya bersyukur menjadi murid Anda. Semoga Anda Selamat Hari Guru!

44. Guru yang terkasih, terima kasih karena selalu membimbing saya. Selamat Hari Guru!

45. Guru yang terkasih, terima kasih telah menanam benih yang akan bertahan seumur hidup! Aku mencintaimu untuk semua yang pernah kamu lakukan untukku, selamat hari guru!

Baca juga: 45 Link Twibbon Hari Guru Nasional 25 November 2021 Lengkap dengan Cara Membuatnya

46. ​​Guru adalah malaikat yang menerangi hidup kita dengan cahaya pengetahuan dan kebijaksanaan. Semoga Anda mendapatkan sukacita, kebahagiaan, dan kemakmuran yang luar biasa karena guru seperti Anda pantas mendapatkan yang terbaik. Selamat hari guru untuk kalian semua.

47. Kaulah yang bisa mengeluarkan cahaya dari jiwa. Terima kasih telah memunculkan kilauan dalam diriku. Terima kasih untuk keajaiban seperti itu. Selamat Hari Guru!

48. Terima kasih, guru, karena selalu menyapa kami dengan “Hey Kids” dan selalu memperlakukan kami sebagai anakmu setelah bertahun-tahun! Selamat hari guru, Anda adalah berkat sejati!

49. Terima kasih banyak telah mencerahkan hari kami dengan senyum indah Anda setiap hari! Energi positif Anda sangat membantu kami untuk bertahan hidup di masa kuliah kami! Selamat Hari Guru!

50. Terima kasih telah mengajari saya untuk menjadi lebih hangat dan baik dengan bersikap baik kepada saya. Aku akan selalu mengingatmu kemanapun aku pergi! Selamat Hari Guru!

Bahasa Inggris

1. Happy teacher’s day. We can never thank you enough for your dedication, wisdom, and responsibility.

2. Happy Teachers Day to all the amazing teachers of the world!

3. Thank you for teaching me with kindness, dear teacher. Happy Teachers Day!

4. Happy teachers day 2021! It has been an honor to get to learn so many things from you; thanks for inspiring me!

5. Dear teacher, without your guidance and wisdom, I wouldn’t be where I am right now! Thank you and Happy Teachers Day!

6. Happy Teachers Day to you! Your wisdom, dedication, and kindness will always lead us to the right path and inspire us to be better human beings.

7. Dear teacher, Wishing you a happy Teachers’ Day. Thank you for being the guiding light and for inspiring me to do well in my studies. You are the best teacher.

8. Happy Teachers Day! Teachers like you are the reason why ordinary students like us dream of doing extraordinary things.

9. A teacher is someone who nourishes the souls of the students for a lifetime. Happy Teachers Day to all the teachers!

10. Happy Teachers Day! Please accept my immense respect and best wishes!

Baca juga: TWIBBON Bingkai Hari Guru Nasional 2021, Lengkap dengan Cara Menggunakannya

11. All the efforts and hard works your invested in bringing out the best in us can never be repaid in mere words. We can only feel grateful for having a teacher like you!

12. Happy Teachers Day! Your words, attitude, and actions have made such a positive difference in our children’s upbringing! We are truly thankful to you!

13. I was lucky to have a teacher as wonderful as you are. Wishing you a Teacher’s Day that’s full of joyous moments!

14. Thank you for being an amazing mentor. Happy Teachers Day 2021!

15. Happy Teachers Day! We are grateful to you today and every day!

16. I feel lucky to be under your supervision and care. Accept my heartfelt wishes on this teacher’s day!

17. Happy Teachers Day to all the teachers! Thank you for your patience, kindness, and endless dedication.

18. To the world’s greatest teacher, Happy Teachers Day! Thank you for everything!

19. You gave us all the reasons to dream big and all the resources to achieve it. You are a blessing in our life. Happy teachers day!

20. Thank you for teaching me a subject I thought I could never understand or be interested in. Thank you for making learning fun. Happy Teacher’s Day!

21. Thanks for always taking care of us and reassuring us that all of us were doing okay; you are the worlds’ best teacher! Thank you for everything!

22. What I am today is all because of you, teacher! Happy Teachers Day to you!

23. The amount of your contribution to our kid’s life is something that cannot be explained in words; we are more than grateful to you! Thank you!

24. Thank you for making me a good human being. Happy Teachers Day!

25. Our parents gave us life and it was you who taught us how to live it. You introduced honesty, integrity, and passion to our character. Happy teacher’s day 2021!

26. Dear teacher, you have been a great mentor and guide and have shaped my career well. I thank you for your effort and hope you remain a superb mentor for others also. Happy Teachers Day.

27. Happy Teachers Day to you! Your dedication is so inspiring!

28. Wishing you a meaningful and happy Teachers Day ahead!

29. Happy Teachers Day! Thank you for making your lessons interesting!

30. You have always been an excellent educator who knew exactly how to illuminate a soul with its own light. Happy teachers’ day to my favorite teacher!

31. Teacher, you have shaped me to become the person I am today. I am forever grateful for everything you have for me! Happy teachers day!

32. You have always been an excellent mentor who knew how to motivate your students. Happy Teacher’s Day!

33. To my amazing teacher, Wishing you joy and happiness on the occasion of Teachers’ Day!

34. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher and always believing in me. Happy Teacher’s Day!

35. It has been an honour to get to learn so many things from you. Your kind words inspire me every day. Happy Teachers’ Day!

36. You are the spark, the inspiration, the guide, the candle to my life. Happy Teachers’ Day!

37. I was lucky to have a teacher as wonderful as you are. Without your guidance, I wouldn’t have achieved anything in life!

38. Parents give us life and a teacher teaches us how to live it. Thank you for being that guiding light in my life. Happy Teacher’s Day!

39. Dear teacher, Thanks for supporting me and enlightening my way. If only I could have your blessing for a lifetime, I would succeed the way I have done always. Have a wonderful Teachers Day.

40. Thank you for being my guide and teaching me life lessons. Happy Teachers’ Day to all my teachers!

Baca juga: 35 Link Twibbon Hari Guru Nasional 2021, Berikut Cara Bagikan di Media Sosial

41. Good teachers build knowledge; great teachers build character. Sending you my heartfelt wishes on this Teachers’ Day!

42. All the efforts and hard works you invested to bring out the best in us can never be repaid in mere words. We can only feel grateful for having a teacher like you!

43. I am grateful to be your student. Wishing you a happy Teachers’ Day!

44. Dear teacher, thank you for always guiding me. Happy Teachers Day!

45. Dear teacher, thank you for planting the seeds that are going to last a lifetime! I love you for everything you have ever done for me, happy teachers day!

46. Teachers are the angels who enlighten our lives with the light of knowledge and wisdom. Wishing you immense joy, happiness, and prosperity because teachers like you deserve the best. Happy teacher’s day to you all.

47. You’re the one who can bring out the light from the soul. Thanks for bringing out the sparkle inside me. Thanks for such a miracle. Happy Teacher’s day!

48. Thank you, teacher, for always greeting us with “Hey Kids” and always treating us as your kid after all these years! Happy teachers day, you are a true blessing!

49. Thank you so much for brightening our day with your beautiful smile every day! Your positive energy helped us so much to survive our college days! Happy teachers day!

50. Thanks for teaching my heart to be warmer and kind by being kind to me. I will always remember you no matter wherever I go! Happy teachers day!


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