60 Ucapan Selamat Hari Valentine dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, Cocok Dikirim ke IG, FB dan WA
Kumpulan ucapan Hari Valentine dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris yang cocok dibagikan ke media sosial.
Penulis: Nuryanti
Editor: Garudea Prabawati

35. Kata-kata akan gagal untuk menggambarkan cintaku padamu. Satu kehidupan akan terlalu singkat untuk hidup bersamamu. Selamat Hari Valentine.
36. Setiap detak jantungku memberitahuku betapa aku mencintaimu. Tidak mungkin hidup tanpamu. Selamat Hari Valentine sayangku.
37. Aku sangat beruntung memiliki pacar yang luar biasa sepertimu. Terima kasih telah menjadi kamu dan menjadi milikku.
38. Anda adalah lagu cinta yang dapat saya dengarkan berulang-ulang selamanya. Semoga pacarku yang cantik mendapatkan hari valentine yang sangat romantis.
39. Saya tidak bisa mendonorkan ginjal saya kepada Anda, tetapi saya mendonorkan hati saya kepada Anda sebagai gantinya. Selamat hari Valentine pacar tersayang.
40. Anda adalah kecanduan yang tidak pernah ingin saya lupakan. Saya berharap untuk menghabiskan setiap hari Valentine dalam hidup kita bersama.
41. Anda adalah alasan saya untuk hidup dan motivasi saya untuk maju dalam hidup. Terima kasih telah berada di sisiku. Selamat Hari Valentine.
42. Bersamamu, dunia terasa seperti tempat terindah bagiku, seolah-olah aku berada di surga. Selamat Hari Valentine untuk cintaku.
43. Aku yang paling beruntung memilikimu dalam hidupku. Selamat Hari Valentine istriku yang cantik!
44. Jika hatiku adalah sebuah kerajaan, kamu akan menjadi rajanya. Selamat hari Valentine, sayangku.
45. Saya berharap Anda semua cinta dan kebahagiaan di dunia pada kesempatan khusus ini. Terima kasih karena selalu bersamaku! Mengirimkan harapan hangat dan pikiran baik di jalan Anda!
46. Hidupku dipenuhi dengan kebahagiaan dan cinta karenamu, sayang. Saya sangat senang bahwa Anda adalah valentine saya!
47. Selamat hari Valentine, sayangku. Semoga cinta yang Anda sebarkan menemukan jalan kembali kepada Anda.
48. Selamat Hari Valentine, Cintaku! Seumur hidup ini sangat berharga karena Anda. Anda hampir segalanya bagi saya.
49. Mengirimkan harapan hangat saya kepada teman baik saya. Semoga Anda bahagia seumur hidup dan cinta abadi. Selamat Hari Valentine.
50. Setiap hari adalah Hari Kasih Sayang sejak aku bertemu denganmu. Terima kasih telah membuat setiap hari begitu istimewa.
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51. Selamat Hari Valentine, cintaku. Saya tidak perlu menunggu untuk melihat surga karena Anda telah mengubah hidup saya menjadi satu.
52. Selamat Hari Kasih Sayang cintaku. Saya telah mengatakan ini kepada Anda jutaan kali, tetapi saya akan mengatakannya lagi- saya mencintaimu.
53. Aku tahu kau akan menangkapku setiap kali aku jatuh cinta padamu! Anda adalah hadiah yang sempurna di valentine ini untuk saya. Selamat Hari Valentine!
54. Anda memberi saya lebih banyak alasan untuk jatuh cinta dengan Anda setiap hari, dan saya benar-benar kecanduan Anda. Selamat Hari Valentine sayangku.
55. Selamat Hari Valentine, cintaku. Saya akan memilih Anda di setiap kehidupan dan di atas segalanya.
56. Anda membuat dunia indah untuk saya karena Anda adalah jiwa yang indah. Saya berharap Anda mendapatkan valentine yang sangat bahagia, cintaku.
57. Aku berjanji untuk mencintaimu selamanya dan aku akan menepati janjiku sampai nafas terakhirku. Aku tidak akan pernah berhenti mencintaimu. Selamat Hari Valentine cintaku!
58. Hatiku merindukanmu lebih dari siapapun dan apapun. Mataku mendambakanmu dan pikiranku tidak bisa berhenti memikirkanmu! Selamat Hari Valentine sayang!
59. Kita hanyalah satu jiwa dalam dua tubuh; semoga cinta kita semakin kuat dengan hari-hari yang berlalu. Selamat hari valentine cintaku.
60. Waktu berjalan begitu cepat saat aku bersamamu. Setiap detik yang kita habiskan bersama begitu indah. Semoga hidup memberi kita lebih banyak waktu untuk dihabiskan bersama! Selamat Hari Valentine.
Bahasa Inggris
1. Happy Valentine’s Day to the most special person in my life.
2. You're my everything. Happy Valentine's Day!
3. Happy Valentine's Day, handsome. You're the only person I send heart eye emojis to.
4. It’s just one day in the year, but you should know that I love you every day and every moment. Take my love on this beautiful occasion!
5. The more time we spend together, the more we fall in love with each other. Happy Valentine's Day!
6. To my valentine I never knew what love was until I met you.
7. Happy Valentine’s Day to the most beautiful woman I know.
8. I love you, and I love us. You take my breath away. Always.
9. Every love song is about you. Happy Valentine's Day!
10. Happy Valentine's Day to the most important woman in my life.
11. I never liked Valentine's Day, and then I met you and I understood what it was all about.
12. Happy Valentine’s day my love. I’m so grateful to have you by my side.
13. Happy Valentine’s Day my love! You mean the world to me, and I will forever love you!
14. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Happy Valentine’s day, my happiness.
15. Happy Valentine’s Day! I wish you a day full of love and warmth.
16. Without you I am nothing. With you I am everything. Thank you for being my everything. Happy Valentines Day.
17. You’re all I ever wanted and I’m so glad you’re mine. Wishing the sweetest, happiest day to my forever Valentine!
18. I’m so happy to have you in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day, Sweetheart!
19. Wishing my beautiful girlfriend a happy Valentine’s Day. Thank you for being mine and mine only.
20. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. There’s nothing more peaceful than being in your arms.
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21. Happy valentine’s day to you and your family. May you celebrate love not only this one day but throughout the year.
22. Happy Valentines Day to all. May this Valentine’s day brings all the love your heart can hold. Sending hugs and best wishes!
23. Happy Valentine’s Day, babe. You add so much of colors into my life and bring new excitement every day. Life with you is so amazing! I want you to be my Valentine, now and forever.
24. Life without love is like a world without any sunshine. May your life never run out of the love that you deserve. Happy Valentine’s Day.
25. Happy Valentine’s Day to my beloved. Thanks for coming into my life and making it special forever.
26. Thank you for being my better half. Happy Valentines Day 2023!
27. Nothing is more important and precious than you in my life. I love you forever. Happy Valentine’s Day my love!
28. I can never imagine how I got so lucky to get the opportunity to count you as one of my greatest blessings. Happy valentine’s Day, Babe.
29. Happy Valentine Day to everyone! Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. So let’s spread the love!
30. You are the only flower that will bloom forever in my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day My Love.
31. Happy Valentine’s Day to the love of my life! Thank you for being the reason for my joy!
32. This is the saddest valentine’s day of my life because I am away from you. But the sadness can never lessen my love for you. Happy Valentine’s Day, love.
33. Every moment feels so special when I’m with you, my dear. Wishing you a very happy valentine!
34. You’ve been there for me in good times and bad. Today I just want to say thank you for always being there. I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
35. Words will fail to describe my love for you. One life would be too short to live with you. Happy valentine’s day.
36. Every beat of my heart tells me how much I love you. It is impossible to live without you. Happy Valentine’s Day my sweetheart.
37. I’m so lucky to have a boyfriend as amazing as you. Thanks for being you and for being mine.
38. You are the love song I can listen to on repeat forever. Wishing my beautiful girlfriend a very romantic valentine’s day.
39. I cannot donate my kidneys to you, but I am donating my heart to you instead. Happy Valentine day dear girlfriend.
40. You’re an addiction I never want to get over. I hope to spend every Valentine’s day of our life together.
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41. You are my reason to live and my motivation to move forward in life. Thank you for being by my side. Happy Valentine’s Day.
42. With you, the world feels like the most beautiful place to me, as if I am in heaven. Happy Valentine’s Day to my love.
43. I’m the luckiest to have you in my life. Happy Valentine Day my beautiful wife!
44. If my heart were a kingdom, you would be the king of it. Happy Valentine’s day, my precious.
45. I wish you all the love and happiness in the world on this special occasion. Thank you for always being with me! Sending warm wishes and good thoughts on your way!
46. My life is filled with happiness and love because of you, darling. I’m so happy that you’re my valentine!
47. Happy Valentine’s day, my dearest. May the love you spread find its way back to you.
48. Happy Valentine’s Day, My Love! This lifetime is worth it because of you. You are pretty much everything to me.
49. Sending my warm wishes to my lovely friend. Wish you a lifetime of happiness and everlasting love. Happy Valentine Day.
50. Everyday is Valentines Day since I met you. Thank you for making every single day so special.
51. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. I don’t have to wait to see paradise because you have already turned my life into one.
52. Happy Valentines Day my love. I have said this to you a million times, but I will say it again- I love you.
53. I know you’ll catch me every time I fall in love with you! You’re the perfect gift on this valentine for me. Happy Valentine’s Day!
54. You give me more reasons to fall in love with you every day, and I am truly addicted to you. Happy Valentine’s Day my love.
55. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. I would choose you in every lifetime and over everything else.
56. You make the world beautiful for me because you are a beautiful soul. I wish you a very happy valentine, my love.
57. I made a promise to love you forever and I’ll keep my promise till my last breath. I’ll never stop loving you ever. Happy Valentine’s Day my love!
58. My heart yearns for you more than anyone and anything. My eyes crave for you and my mind can’t stop thinking of you! Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart!
59. We are simply one soul in two-body; may our love grow stronger with the days passing by. Happy valentine’s day my love.
60. Time runs so fast when I’m with you. Every second we spend together is so wonderful. May life offers us more time to spend together! Happy valentine’s day.
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