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Pengertian Action Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contohnya

Action Verb sangat berperan penting dalam membentuk sebuah kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Berikut pengertian Action Verb dan contohnya.

Penulis: Yurika Nendri Novianingsih
Editor: Sri Juliati
zoom-in Pengertian Action Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contohnya
Ilustrasi belajar online. - Simak pengertian Action Verb dalam bahasa Inggris dan contohnya. 

- We ate dinner then walked around the garden. (Kami makan malam lalu berjalan di sekitar taman).

Contoh Soal Action Verb dalam Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

1. Which sentence has an action verb?

A. The thieves opened the back door when we fell asleep.
B. My mother seems upset.
C. It is your birthday present.
D. The apple is on the table.

2. Which sentence has an action verb?

A. The meatballs taste too salty.
B. I listened to your song last night.
C. My Homeworks is madness.
D. The vanilla cupcakes taste heavenly.

3. Which sentence has an action verb?


A. My sister and I walk to school every day.
B. My boyfriend is Simon.
C. You sound weird.
D. I felt so sick yesterday.

Baca juga: Manfaat Perdagangan Antarpulau dan Faktor Pendorongnya

4. Which sentence has an action verb?

A. his daughter remained in New York two days ago.
B. I continue to write my thesis.
C. Mrs. Amanda drives a fancy car.
D. You are so cool.

5. Which sentence has an action verb?

A. My sister and I ate pizza as my dinner yesterday.
B. Jake appeared out of nowhere last night after he has been missing for nearly a week.
C. Sometimes I act childish to Sam
D. Diana acted so unfriendly to me this morning which I don’t know the cause.

Jawaban Soal Action Verbs

1. A. The thieves opened the back door when we fell asleep.

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