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Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut Kelas 11 Halaman 65 Kurikulum Merdeka: Practice

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut kelas 11 SMA halaman 65 Kurikulum Merdeka soal Practice materi Adverb of time, place and manner.

Penulis: Yurika Nendri Novianingsih
Editor: Whiesa Daniswara
zoom-in Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut Kelas 11 Halaman 65 Kurikulum Merdeka: Practice
Simak kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut kelas 11 Kurikulum Merdeka halaman 65. 

2. He, then, went to the market, spent his last pennies on ordering a fine pair of boots for the cat.

3. He went happily with a rabbit inside his bag.

4. While the king’s guards were drawing Marquis of Carabas out of the river, the cat came up to the coach to meet the king.

5. “This is a meadow which never fails to yield a plentiful harvest every year,” said Lord Marquis of Carabas to the king.

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut Kelas 11 Halaman 63 Kurikulum Merdeka: Practice

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