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Contoh Soal UTBK SNBT 2023, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya

Inilah kumpulan contoh soal UTBK SNBT tahun 2023, lengkap dengan kunci jawaban dan materinya berikut ini.

Penulis: Oktaviani Wahyu Widayanti
Editor: Sri Juliati
zoom-in Contoh Soal UTBK SNBT 2023, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya
Ilustrasi ujian - Inilah kumpulan contoh soal UTBK SNBT tahun 2023, lengkap dengan kunci jawaban dan materinya berikut ini. 

Researchers have been working to improve the plastic recycling process since it was realized that plastic was harming the environment. Recycling plastic not only helps the environment and reduces trash, but it also creates more jobs. The recycling sector generates up to 30 times more jobs than the common disposal sector. In fact, Tellus Institute reports that over 1.5 million new jobs would be created if the national recycling rate could be increased to 75 persen.

Modern recycling techniques can transform plastic into more useful products. Some experts have seen the opportunity to make jet fuel from plastic. However, even a simple recycling strategy has commercial benefits. Over 3 million plastic bottles have already been converted into pillow fillers by IHG Hotels & Resorts. Customers are happy to sleep well and use a product that benefits the environment, according to IHG. And it is all thanks to plastic.

4. Which of the following statements is an opinion from Text 1?

a. These plastics never degrade, but rather break up into smaller sizes.

b. Recycling plastic not only helps the environment and reduces trash, but it also creates more jobs.

c. Plastics should not be going into the ocean in the first place.

d. They eventually become microplastics that stay in the environment for hundreds of years.


e. Customers are happy to sleep well and use a product that benefits the environment.

Jawaban: c. Plastics should not be going into the ocean in the first place.

5. What is the relationship between Texts 1 and 2?

a. Text 1 discusses the biodegradable material used in many useful products explained in Text 2.

b. Text 1 explains how biodegradable material can help improve the plastic recycling process discussed in Text 2.

c. Both texts explain what scientists have done to provide plastics which do not harm the environment.

d. Text 2 explains how new plastic material mentioned in Text 1 is recycled to create more jobs.

e. Text 2 discusses the plastic recycling process that has been improved by the research findings explained in Text 1.

Jawaban: c. Both texts explain what scientists have done to provide plastics which do not harm the environment.

Baca juga: Soal Latihan Informatika Kelas 7 SMP/MTs 2023 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawabannya

6. Based on information from the two texts, which of the following will most likely happen in the future?

a. Plastic waste in the ocean is unavoidable.

b. It is impossible to preserve customer food without biodegradable plastics.

c. Disposing plastic waste into seawater will create more job opportunities.

d. Marine organisms can be used to recycle plastics into pillows.

e. There is no need to completely ban plastic usage from this world.

Jawaban: e. There is no need to completely ban plastic usage from this world.

7. Kurva y = ax² + 2x + 1 dengan a ≠ 0 memotong sumbu-x di dua titik berbeda. Pernyataan yang benar adalah ….

a. a < 1

b. 6a < 1

c. a > 1

d. 3a > 1

e. 3a > 2

Jawaban: a. a < 1

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Budi Pekerti Kelas 2 Halaman 204 Kurikulum Merdeka

Materi UTBK SNBT 2023

1. Tes Potensi Skolastik (TPS)

TPS mengukur Kemampuan Kognitif yang dianggap penting untuk keberhasilan di sekolah formal, khususnya pendidikan tinggi. Dalam TPS yang akan diuji adalah Kemampuan Penalaran Umum, Kemampuan Kuantitatif, Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Umum, serta Kemampuan Memahami Bacaan dan Menulis. Kemampuan kuantitatif akan mencakup Pengetahuan dan Penguasaaan Matematika Dasar.

2. Literasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris

Mengukur kemampuan untuk memahami, menggunakan, mengevaluasi, merefleksikan berbagai jenis teks untuk menyelesaikan masalah dan mengembangkan kapasitas individu sebagai warga Indonesia dan warga dunia agar dapat berkontribusi secara produktif kepada masyarakat.

3. Penalaran Matematika

Mengukur kemampuan berpikir menggunakan konsep, prosedur, fakta, dan alat matematika untuk menyelesaikan masalah sehari-hari pada berbagai jenis konteks yang relevan untuk individu sebagai warga negara Indonesia dan warga dunia.

Jadwal UTBK-SNBT 2023

- Pembuatan Akun SNPMB : 16 Februari – 03 Maret 2023

- Sosialisasi UTBK-SNBT : 01 Desember 2022 - 14 April 2023

- Pendaftaran UTBK-SNBT : 23 Maret - 14 April 2023

- Pelaksanaan UTBK Gelombang I : 08 - 14 Mei 2023

- Pelaksanaan UTBK Gelombang II : 22 - 28 Mei 2023

- Pengumuman Hasil SNBT: 20 Juni 2023

- Masa Unduh Sertifikat UTBK : 26 Juni - 31 Juli 2023

*) Semua kegiatan pada hari yang sudah ditentukan diakhiri pada pukul 15.00 WIB.

( WW)

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