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40 Contoh Soal UTS, PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD Semester 1 K13, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

Simak 40 contoh soal UTS, PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 semester 1 Kurikulum 13. Memuat 40 soal pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya.

Penulis: Enggar Kusuma Wardani
Editor: Whiesa Daniswara
zoom-in 40 Contoh Soal UTS, PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD Semester 1 K13, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban
40 soal UTS, PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 Kurikulum 13. Terdiri dari 40 soal pilihan ganda lengkap dengan kunci jawaban. 

Jawaban: A

12. Fifi always gets the first rank in the class. She is the ... student in the class.
a. clever
b. more clever
c. cleverest
d. cleverer

Jawaban: C

13. Anjani looks nice with ... hair. (panjang)
a. short
b. long
c. curly
d. beautiful

Jawaban: B

14. Gio has chubby ...
a. hair
b. hose
c. body
d. cheek

Jawaban: D

Berita Rekomendasi

15. She is ... in my class. So that many boys like her. (paling cantik)
a. the most beautiful
b. the more beautiful
c. the most handsome
d. the youngest

Jawaban: A

16. Mrs. Alisia buys vegetables in the ...
a. mall
b. supermarket
c. greengocer
d. fruit stall

Jawaban: C

Baca juga: Contoh Soal UTS, PTS Bahasa Indonesia Tema 1 Kelas 1 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawaban

17. Aura is ... her mother (secerdas)
a. as kind as
b. as beautiful as
c. as fat as
d. as smart as

Jawaban: D

18. Driver is a person who drives ...
a. train
b. car
c. plane
d. pedicap

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