Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 41 Kurikulum Merdeka, Unit 2: Going to a Parade
Inilah kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 41 Kurikulum Merdeka, Unit 2: Going to a Parade pada bagian Worksheet 1.7.
Penulis: tribunsolo
Editor: Sri Juliati

Galang, Andre, and Monita: It was awesome!
Pipit : I agree! It was the best Independence Day celebration ever in our school.
Monita : It was! There were many fun games like the Kerupuk race, tug of war, and marble and spoon race.
Andre : We had some winners from our class. Galang came first for the marble and spoon race.
Galang : Yes. It was a tight game between me and Monita.
Monita : Yeah, I came second. But, I beat Galang in the Krupuk race [Laughing].
Pipit : Hahaha ... That was fun. I remember you almost choked.
Monita : Hahaha ... That’s true.
Andre : By the way, did you join a parade in your neighborhood?
Pipit : No. I like watching the parade.
Andre : Me, too.
Monita : But, I love parades! I like wearing costumes.
Galang : I love parades, too. It’s fun.
Monita : Well, Pipit and Andre, you should join us in our school parade next week.
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