Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 69 Kurikulum Merdeka, Giving Opinion, Unit 2
Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 69 Kurikulum Merdeka, giving opinions for these questions, Unit 2 Argumentative Text.
Penulis: Muhammad Alvian Fakka
Editor: Garudea Prabawati

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 69 Kurikulum Merdeka, giving opinions for these questions.
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 69 Kurikulum Merdeka, terdapat buku Bahasa Inggris "Life Today" untuk SMA/MA Kurikulum Merdeka Semester 1, Unit 2 Argumentative Text.
Artikel berikut akan menjelaskan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 69 Kurikulum Merdeka, soal giving opinions for these questions.
Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 69 Kurikulum Merdeka ini dapat ditujukan kepada orang tua atau wali untuk mengoreksi hasil belajar.
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 69 Kurikulum Merdeka
Then try to use the expression of giving opinions for these questions from the podcast in the listening section.
1. In your opinion, why did La Ode invite Sri to his podcast?
Kunci Jawaban:
Because Sri is a successful entrepreneur who would inspire the listeners positively.
2. How do you feel about Sri’s idea that money will remain a governing force in the lives of humans?
Kunci Jawaban:
I believe that money is what people regularly use when purchasing or selling goods and services.
Money has taken many forms through the ages, but money consistently has three functions: store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange.
Therefore, as long as many people do economic transactions with money, it will remain a governing force in the lives of humans.
Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 59 60 Kurikulum Merdeka, Activity 2, Vocabularies
3. Do you agree with Sri’s opinion ‘So, to me, It is like living in a world where you get all the benefits of spending, without the pain of paying.’? Explain your reasons.
Kunci Jawaban:
I do agree with Sri since the cashless effect describes our tendency to be more willing to pay when there is no physical money involved in a transaction.
4. What is your view on those who want to make social media influencers as a profession?
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