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Lirik Lagu Lose You to Love Me - Selena Gomez: I Needed to Lose You to Love Me

Simak lirik lagu Lose You to Love Me oleh Selena Gomez dalam artikel berikut ini.

Penulis: Indah Aprilin Cahyani
Editor: Salma Fenty
zoom-in Lirik Lagu Lose You to Love Me - Selena Gomez: I Needed to Lose You to Love Me
Instagram @selenagomez
Berikut lirik lagu Lose You to Love Me oleh Selena Gomez dalam artikel ini, lirik i needed to lose you to love me. 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Simak lirik lagu Lose You to Love Me dalam artikel berikut ini.

Petikan liriknya yakni 'I needed to lose you to love me'.

Lagu berjudul Lose You to Love Me dirilis pada 2019 dan dinyanyikan oleh Selena Gomez.

Baca juga: Lirik Lagu My Mind & Me - Selena Gomez: My Mind and Me We Dont Get Along Sometimes and It

Lirik Lagu Lose You to Love Me - Selena Gomez

You promised the world and I fell for it

I put you first and you adored it

Set fires to my forest

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And you let it burn

Sang off-key in my chorus

'Cause it wasn't yours

I saw the signs and i ignored it

Rose-colored glasses all distorted

Set fire to my purpose

And i let it burn

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