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Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Better Man - Westlife: How Do You Lose The One You Love?

Simak lirik dan terjemahan lagu Better Man yang dinyanyikan oleh Westlife dan telah dirilis pada tahun 2019.

Penulis: Katarina Retri Yudita
Editor: Salma Fenty
zoom-in Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Better Man - Westlife: How Do You Lose The One You Love?
Tangkapan layar YouTube Westlife
Lagu Better Man dinyanyikan oleh Westlife. Berikut lirik dan terjemahannya. 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut lirik dan terjemahan lagu Better Man yang dinyanyikan oleh Westlife.

Lagu Better Man dirilis pada tahun 2019.

Lagu Better Man juga diunggah di YouTube Westlife pada 29 Maret 2019.

Baca juga: Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Queen of My Heart - Westlife: Ill Always Look Back as I Walk Away

Lirik Lagu Better Man - Westlife:

You and I had something special, baby
Something that you only see on movie screens, I know
Lately, I've been missing you like crazy
Oh, why, why'd you let me in just to let me go?

Most guys will get high when feeling low
But I don't think that that's the way to go
Sometimes I'll be sitting on my own
Thinking 'bout life, thinking 'bout you and me

How do you lose the one you love?
After giving it all, you gave it up
Maybe my love wasn't enough
You think you know, but you never can

Berita Rekomendasi

How do you lose your only plan?
Well darling, just give me one more chance
And I'll give you everything I have
I'll try to be a better man

I felt things when we were naked
I saw an angel, but they've hidden their wings, I know
Everyone's got that special baby
Oh, I, now I only see you in my dreams

Most guys will get high when feeling low
But I don't think that that's the way to go
Sometimes I'll be sitting on my own
Thinking 'bout life, thinking 'bout you and me

How do you lose the one you love?
After giving it all, you gave it up
Maybe my love wasn't enough
You think you know, but you never can

How do you lose your only plan?
Well darling, just give me one more chance
And I'll give you everything I have
I'll try to be a better man

I've been up and I've been down
Think that's just what love's about
You took the words right out my mouth
If you feel it, say it now

It's been a while but I've figured it out
But it ain't just what love's about?
You took the words right out my mouth
But if you feel it, say it now

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