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Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Out Of My System - Louis Tomlinson: Gotta Get It Out Of My System

Simak lirik dan terjemahan lagu Out Of My System yang dinyanyikan oleh Louis Tomlinson dan telah dirilis pada 14 Oktober 2022.

Penulis: Katarina Retri Yudita
Editor: bunga pradipta p
zoom-in Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Out Of My System - Louis Tomlinson: Gotta Get It Out Of My System
Kolase Tribunnews/ Instagram @louist91
Lagu Out Of My System dinyanyikan oleh Louis Tomlinson. Berikut lirik dan terjemahannya. 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut lirik dan terjemahan lagu Out Of My System yang dinyanyikan oleh Louis Tomlinson.

Lagu Out Of My System ini dirilis pada 14 Oktober 2022.

Diketahui, lagu Out Of My System merupakan single kedua dari album yang bertajuk 'Faith In The Future' setelah 'Bigger Than Me'yang dirilis 1 September 2022.

Official video lagu Out Of My System telah dirilis pada 19 Oktober 2022 di YouTube Louis Tomlinson.

Baca juga: Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu High In California - Louis Tomlinson: I Wanna be In California

Lirik Lagu Out Of My System - Louis Tomlinson:

[Verse 1]
Slowly, I never wanna go slowly
I only wanna go faster
Towards disaster every time
With me, I know you wanna come with me
Take anything you can carry
And leave everythin' else behind

I am only half of what
I think I can be

Berita Rekomendasi

Gotta get it out of my system
Gotta get it off of my chest
I've lived a lot of my life already
But I gotta get through the rest

[Verse 2]
Demons, I'm takin' all of my demons
Putting them where I won't see them
'Cause I just wanna feel alive

I am only half of what
I think I can be

Gotta get it out of my system
Gotta get it off of my chest
I've lived a lot of my life already
But I gotta get through the rest

Gotta get it out of my system, system
Gotta get it out of my system

Gotta get it out of my system
Gotta get it out of my head
I've lived a lot of my life already
But I gotta get through the rest

Gotta get it out of my system, system
Gotta get it out of my system
Gotta get it out of my system, system
Gotta get it out of my system

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