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Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Alonica - LANY: Back to Alonica Where The Sun is Out All The Time

Simak lirik dan terjemahan lagu Alonica yang dinyanyikan oleh LANY dan telah dirilis pada 7 Juli 2023.

Penulis: Katarina Retri Yudita
Editor: Salma Fenty
zoom-in Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Alonica - LANY: Back to Alonica Where The Sun is Out All The Time
Tangkapan layar YouTube LANY
Lagu Alonica dinyanyikan oleh LANY. Berikut lirik dan terjemahannya. 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut lirik dan terjemahan lagu Alonica yang dinyanyikan oleh LANY.

Lagu Alonica ini dirilis pada 7 Juli 2023.

Diketahui, lagu Alonica mengisahkan tentang salah satu kota di Los Angeles, yakni Alonica.

Lagu Alonica mendeskripskan tentang rasa nyaman dan tenteram, dirasakan oleh seseorang yang tinggal di Alonica.

Official musik video lagu Alonica telah diunggah di YouTube LANY pada 7 Juli 2023.

Hingga Selasa (11/7/2023), official musik video lagu Alonica telah ditonton hingga 545,9 ribu kali.

Baca juga: Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Love At First Fight - LANY: But It Was Love At First Fight

Lirik Lagu Alonica - LANY:

Berita Rekomendasi

[Verse 1]
I'm fallin' out of love with you, LA
Runnin' out of reasons I should stay
I'm overwhelmed, I'm over it
It's too cold here anyway
I'm fallin' out of love with you, LA

Back to Alonica
Where the sun is out all the time
My favorite beach is there
And the sand, it stretches for miles
Singin' la-di-di-di-da
And slowly dancin' 'til the mornin' comes
I feel most at home when I'm back in Alonica

[Verse 2]
Darlin', I have finally settled in
The water's perfect for a midnight swim
It's paradise, the stars and I
Are catchin' up like old friends
My heart is learnin' how to love again

Back to Alonica
Wherе the sun is out all the time
My favoritе beach is there
And the sand, it stretches for miles
Singin' la-di-di-di-da
And slowly dancin' 'til the mornin' comes
I feel most at home when I'm back in Alonica

Made up of a thousand colors
And everything is in its place
I don't know the last time there were
Tears like this upon my face
Every artist falls in wonder
Even Michelangelo
If God is really out there somewhere
This must be His other home

Back to Alonica
Where the sun is out all the time
My favorite beach is there
And the sand, it stretches for miles
Singin' la-di-di-di-da
And slowly dancin' 'til the mornin' comes
I feel most at home when I'm back in Alonica

Terjemahan Lagu Alonica - LANY:

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