Lirik Lagu dan Terjemahan Who I Am - Alan Walker, Putri Ariani, Peder Elias
Inilah lirik dan terjemahan lagu Who I Am, hasil kolaborasi Alan Walker, Putri Ariani, dan Peder Elias. Lagu Who I Am dirilis pada Kamis (4/1/2024).
Penulis: Sri Juliati
Editor: Ayu Miftakhul Husna

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Simak lirik dan terjemahan lagu Who I Am yang dirilis DJ asal Norwegia, Alan Walker.
Dalam lagu Who I Am, Alan Walker menggandeng penyanyi Tanah Air, Putri Ariani serta penyanyi Norwegia, Peder Elias.
Diproduseri Alan Walker, lagu Who I Am dirilis pada Kamis (4/1/2024) melalui MER Recordings.
Sehari setelah dirilis, lagu Who I Am masuk masuk dalam daftar trending musik di YouTube.
Baca juga: Putri Ariani Rilis Lagu Who I Am, Hasil Kolaborasi dengan Alan Walker
Inilah lirik dan terjemahan lagu Who I Am dari Alan Walker, Putri Ariani, Peder Elias:
Lirik Lagu Who I Am
Don't say this don't say that
I'm not playing by the rules
if they were made by you
I won't break just like that
I'll make my own mistakes
till I'm wrong in all right ways
Save all your tears
You don't wanna waste them on me
I'm not gonna be just like them
This is just the way that I am
Head in the clouds
I do not fit into the crowd
Baby its all making perfect sense
Cause this is who I am
Who I am
Don't say this don't say that
I'm not playing by the rules
if they were made by you
I won't break just like that
I'll make my own mistakes
till I'm wrong in all right ways
Save all your tears
You don't wanna waste them on me
I'm not gonna be just like them
This is just the way that I am
Head in the clouds
I do not fit into the crowd
Baby its all makes perfect sense
Cause this is who I am
Who I am
If only I was wide awake
There's more than I can take
And when you dive into the blue
I'll be right next to you
I never wanna miss a thing
We fall in love again
You know I may hold on to June
Cause all that you go through
I'm with you
Cause all that you go through I'm
Cause all that you go through I'm with you
Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Who I Am
Jangan katakan ini bahwa
aku tidak bermain sesuai aturan jika itu dibuat olehmu
Aku tidak akan melanggar begitu saja
Aku akan membuat kesalahanku sendiri
sampai aku salah dalam segala hal
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