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45 Ucapan Selamat Isra Miraj Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, Posting di Medsos atau Kirim ke WA

Penulis: Sri Juliati
Editor: Ifa Nabila

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45 Ucapan Selamat Isra Miraj Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, Posting di Medsos atau Kirim ke WA

Semoga kita selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT.

Ucapan Isra Miraj (

21. Selamat hari Isra Miraj bagi seluruh muslim di dunia.

Semoga syafaat Nabi Muhammad SAW selalu menyertai kita semua.

22. Selamat hari raya Isra Miraj untuk semua umat muslim!

Hopefully today can be a blessed day for all of us

23. Selamat memperingati Hari Isra Miraj bagi umat muslim yang merayakan.

Semoga bisa mendapatkan kesempurnaan iman dan islam.

24. Selamat memperingati Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad SAW bagi umat Islam.

Tingkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan kita kepada Allah SWT.

25. Selamat memperingati Isra Miraj Rasulullah Muhammad SAW untuk saudaraku umat Islam.

Semoga kita bisa selalu meneladani akhlak mulia beliau.

26. Selamat hari raya Isra Miraj 1441 H, sebuah Intisari perjalanan yang agung menuju kesempurnaan iman dan takwa sebagai intisari-intisari kehidupan.

27. "Cahaya di antara cahaya. Allah membimbing siapa yang Dia kehendaki menuju cahaya" (Al-Qur'an Surah 24 : 35).

Selamat memperingati Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad SAW 1441 H.

Semoga hikmah dan kebahagiaanya selalu menyertai kita semua Aaamiin.

28. Jadikan makna dan pemaknaan atas peristiwa Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Bukan sekedar mengucapkan selamat memperingati Isra Miraj Rasulullah SAW.

Namun maknai sebagai motivasi diri sendiri untuk lebih mendekatkan diri kepada Sang Maha Pencipta Allah SWT.

29. Selamat menyambut peringatan Isra Miraj 1441 H.

Semoga kita bisa meningkatkan kualitas iman dan ketakwaan kita.

Sehingga sikap keberagamaan kita tidak hanya tampak dalam bentuk ritualitas keagamaan secara individual, tetapi juga memberikan tuntunan di dalam sikap dan perilaku sosial.

30. Selamat memperingati Isra Miraj 2020.

Semoga Anda merayakan Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan gembira .

Semoga berkah dari Nabi Muhammad selalu bersamamu!

Ucapan Selamat Isra Miraj 2020 (FREEPIC)

31. Wish you all the best for this great and Holy Occasion of the Isra and Mi'raj 2020, 27th day of Rajab 1441 Hijri.

32. There are momentous times in the history off all peoples.

Momentous days, weeks, and months.

The Muslim are no exception.

Rajab is a month in which history has been shaped throughout time.

Wish everyone on this holy occasion of Al Isra Wal Miraj. Have a blessed day.

33. Wishing all our friends and associates the very best on the holy occasion of Al Isra Wal Miraj.

Rajab is the beginning of our preparation in welcoming the month of fasting Ramadhan.

Let's increase the faith in Allah in this Isra and Miraj as exemplified by our Prophet Muhammad.

34. Hopefully today can be a blessed day for all of us.

Happy Isra and Miraj of Prophet Muhammad, 27 Rajab 1441 Hijri for all Muslims all over the world.

35. Isra Miraj one of most miraculous experiences that Allah SWT bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Happy Al Isra Wal Miraj.

36. Happy Isra Miraj for the Muslim in the world, Allah bless us.

37. Happy Isra Miraj 1441 H to all moslems in the world.

Say thank to Allah who gave us a leader, the light of life, Prophet Muhammad SAW.

38. Happy Isra Miraj for you all muslim in the world.

We love Nabi Muhammad SAW. 27 Rajab 1441 H.

39. Happy Isra Miraj of Prophet Muhammad SAW, 27 Rajab 1441 H for all moslem all over the world!

40. May Allah bless us all this Laylat al-Miraj, with the bounty of increased prayer, faith, and wisdom to discern His signs, on the horizons and in ourselves. Amin!

41. Happy Isra Miraj.

Praise The Prophet Muhammad SAW

Praise The Meaning of His Journeys.

42. Happy Isra Mi'raj Nabi Muhammad SAW to those of you who celebrate.

43. Happy Isra' Mi'raj

May this day brings us to meaningful journey closer to Our Creator.

44. Happy Isra Mi’raj of Prophet Muhammad SAW, 27 Rajab 1441 H for all moslems in the world.

45. The Ascencion Prophet Muhammad SAW 1441 H

The miracles of isra' and miraj, the night journey and ascension into Jannah.

( Juliati)

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