- I belive that ...
- I am convinced that...
- Let me tell you ..
- Try to remember ..
Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 160, 161: Melengkapi Kalimat Dalam Kolom
A. Passive smoking is a silent killer.
You can use this example to start your conversation:
Student A: Do you know that passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking?
Student B: I know, but i think it is not as dangerous as people say it is.
Student A: What do you mean by not dangerous? Do you know that people who breathe in secondhand smoke regularly are more likely to get the same diseases as smokers, including lung cancer and heart disease?
Student A: What do you mean by not dangerous? Do you know that people who breathe in secondhand smoke regularly are more likely to get the same diseases as smokers, including lung cancer and heart disease?
Student B: Yeah it is bad. But, my pregnant sister is also a secondhand smoke because her husband is a smoker and she is okay with it.
Student A: You have to warn your sister, pregnant women exposed to passive smoke are more prone to premature birth and their baby is more at risk of low birthweight and cot death.
Student B: Really? Is it based on something credible?