KUMPULAN Ucapan Selamat Kenaikan Isa Almasih, Kirim ke WA atau Jadi Status di IG, Twitter, FB
50 ucapan selamat memperingati Kenaikan Isa Almasih yang jatuh pada Kamis, 13 Mei 2021. Kirimkan ke WhatsApp (WA) atau jadi status di medsos.
Penulis: Sri Juliati
Editor: Whiesa Daniswara
Selamat memperingati Hari Kenaikan Isa Almasih 2021.
16. Mari sebarkan kasih dan pengampunan kepada setiap umat manusia, niscaya berkatNya senantiasa beserta kita.
Selamat memperingati Hari Kenaikan Isa Almasih 2021.
17. Rayakan hari ini dengan damai, cinta dan kebahagiaan.
Semoga diberkati dengan Kenaikan Yesus Kristus yang Suci.
Selamat Hari Kenaikan Isa Almasih 2021.
18. Selamat Hari Raya Kenaikan Isa Almasih 2021 bagi seluruh umat Kristiani!
Sukacita adalah payung yang menjaga kita saat menghadapi hari-hari yang berhujan dalam perjalanan hidup kita.
19. Selamat memperingati Kenaikan Isa Almasih, 13 Mei 2021
Kiranya kasih Tuhan senantiasa menyertai langkah hidup kita dalam masa pandemi.
Jangan lupa untuk selalu mengucap syukur pada sang pemberi kehidupan
20. Selamat memperingati Kenaikan Isa Almasih 2021.
Semoga harapan dan doa kita agar lepas dari ujian ini segera terkabul.
Jaga kesehatan, jaga jarak sosial, dan tetap beribadah dr rumah
Ucapan selamat memperingati Kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam bahasa Inggris
21. Happy Ascension day of Jesus Christ for those who celebrate, hopefully this day brings you a lot of happiness, joy, and love. Have a blessing day.
22. It's the day of the Lord’s ascension towards the gates of heaven. Let’s all celebrate this joyous occasion with peace and love in our hearts.
23. Although the ascension of our Lord has separated him from us but his blessings will always shine upon those who are pure and faithful.
24. Even in dying, the lord has designed a better world to live in. So on this Ascension Day let the process of salvation be continued by his faithful devotees.
25. Lord has already prepared our citizenship in heaven and all we have got to do is show the Lord why we deserve the privilege of heaven.
26. Jesus has shown that there is a world full of more compassion, more generosity and more grace than the world we live in.
27. On the eve of Ascension Day, I hope we all are thankful to our Lord for opening the gateway of heaven for the humanity to enter and celebrate.
28. the pyramid of love that is stored on all of us and May you shower it on humanity to make the Lord and its children happy.
29. In your journey full of sorrow and smiles, say the name of Lord and he will protect you lie the guardian angel. Wish you a beloved Ascension Day.
30. When our journey in this world ends Jesus will come for us in the same way he was taken up in the heaven and bring us all together.
31. May we all spend the holy occasion of Ascension Day in prayer and doing contemplation with all of our loved ones by our side.
32. is Ascension was to make us understand that he exists. He is the one that is seeing everything.
Let’s take an oath today that we shall never do anything that is against his will. - Happy Ascension Day!
33. On Ascension Day, May the blessings of Lord always shine upon you and fill with the clarity you need to improve the life you have been living.
34. On this Ascension Day, It gives me great joy to tell you that the ascension of Jesus was his way to make us understand that the Lord exists.
35. Jesus was beamed into ascension to show us there is another level up, which we call the life after death. May we all attain his creation.
36. The disciples of Lord do need to speculate what heaven would look like as it is enough to know that we will be in the presence of God. - Happy Ascension Day!
37. May you keep all that's good in you rather than following what's bad in this world because that's the only way we all can achieve ascension.
38. It is both sad and happy that Jesus was taken away from us in his ascension to heaven while enabling his devotees to achieve the same.
39. Christ is already in that place of peace, which is all in all.
He is on the right hand of God.
Jesus is hidden in the brightness of the radiance which issues from the everlasting throne.
Happy Ascension Day.
40. On this big day, I pray that may Jesus give you all the happiness and all the love that you deserve in life. Happy Ascension Day 2021.
Ucapan selamat memperingati Kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam Gambar
(Tribunnews.com/Sri Juliati)