Kumpulan Quotes Hari Musik Nasional dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, Cocok jadi Status di Medsos
Berikut ini kumpulan quotes atau kutipan dari musisi maupun komposer untuk Hari Musik Nasional.
Penulis: Muhammad Renald Shiftanto
Editor: Garudea Prabawati

6. "Celebration of music is the celebration of life. Cheers to the power of music. Happy Music Day."
7. "There is music for every mood and every soul. A very Happy Music Day to all."
8. "Music is a significant part of our lives. It is a connection that brings people from different walks of life together. Happy Music Day."
9. "World Music Day is the day to celebrate music and make it an important part of our lives. Happy Music Day."
10. "Music for the soul; Dance for the grind; Instruments for the beats; And lyrics for the mind. Happy Music Day!"
11. "Great music is enough to connect any of your songs with your soul."
12. "Really, in this world, No one can imagine the joy in life without music."
13. "There is music for every mood and every soul. A very Happy Music Day to you."
14. "The best way to connect with our inner selves is to listen to a beautiful song each day."
15. "Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit and never dies."
Baca juga: Sejarah Hari Musik Nasional 9 Maret dan Biografi WR Supratman sebagai Komponis Indonesia
(Tribunnews.com, Renald)