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40 Quote Berbahasa Inggris Sambut Momen Tahun Baru 2022, Dikutip dari Tokoh Terkenal

Tahun Baru 2022 tinggal beberapa hari lagi, artinya lembaran di 2021 akan segera berganti di tahun berikutnya.

Penulis: garudea prabawati
Editor: Arif Tio Buqi Abdulah
zoom-in 40 Quote Berbahasa Inggris Sambut Momen Tahun Baru 2022, Dikutip dari Tokoh Terkenal
Berikut 40 quote inspiratif untuk Tahun Baru 2022, dirangkum 

23. "Take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous new year by believing." ( Sarah Ban Breathnach)

24. "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

25. "I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past." (Thomas Jefferson)

26. "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." (Oprah Winfrey)

27. "It's a new dawn, It's a new day, It's a new life, for me, And I'm feeling good." (Nina Simone)

28. "The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written." (Melody Beattie)

29. "Each year's regret are envelopes in which messages of hope are found for the new year." (John R. Dallas)

Berita Rekomendasi

30. "New Year's Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provide this does not encourage them to take up more of my time." (James Agate)

Dikutip dari Business Insider:

Tahun Baru 2022
Tahun Baru 2022 (Freepik)

31. To the old, long life and treasure; to the young, all health and pleasure. Happy New Year 2021.

32. You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream in this incredible New Year 2021.

33. Cherish the memories left by the bygone year and invite the hopes and promises assured by the arrival of the New year 2021.

34. Our memories fill us with the wisdom that will set us forward with our momentous journey in 2021. This New Year shall put us on a happy road to success.

35. It is never too late to be what you might have been. Enjoy this day and head towards a happy New Year in 2021.

Baca juga: 5 Hal yang Dapat Dilakukan untuk Sambut Tahun Baru, Buat Daftar Pencapaian hingga Lebih Selektif

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