3 Aturan Penulisan Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech: Perubahan Modal, Kata Kerja, dan Tenses
Berikut ini 3 aturan penulisan Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech: perubahan modal, kata kerja (Verb), dan tenses, dilengkapi rumus dan contoh kalimat.
Penulis: Yunita Rahmayanti
Editor: Pravitri Retno W
Ilustrasi menulis - Berikut ini 3 aturan penulisan Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech: perubahan modal, kata kerja (Verb), dan tenses, dilengkapi rumus dan contoh kalimat.
Indirect: Rohan will say that he is tall.
4. Direct: They said, “The sun rises in the east.”
Indirect: They said that the sun rises in the east.
Baca juga: 5 Aturan Penulisan Waktu dalam Bahasa Inggris, Penggunaan A.M dan P.M hingga Oclock
3. Rumus Perubahan Tenses
Rumus 1
Direct: Present simple (S +V1+ O)
Indirect: Past simple (S +V2 + O)
Berita Rekomendasi
Rumus 2
Direct: Present continuous (S +is/am/are+V1 +ing+ O)
Indirect: Past Continuous (S +was/were+V1 +ing+ O)
Rumus 3
Direct: Present perfect (S + has/have+V3+O)
Indirect: Past perfect (S+had+V3+O)
Rumus 4