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3 Aturan Penulisan Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech: Perubahan Modal, Kata Kerja, dan Tenses

Berikut ini 3 aturan penulisan Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech: perubahan modal, kata kerja (Verb), dan tenses, dilengkapi rumus dan contoh kalimat.

Penulis: Yunita Rahmayanti
Editor: Pravitri Retno W
zoom-in 3 Aturan Penulisan Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech: Perubahan Modal, Kata Kerja, dan Tenses
Ilustrasi menulis - Berikut ini 3 aturan penulisan Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech: perubahan modal, kata kerja (Verb), dan tenses, dilengkapi rumus dan contoh kalimat. 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Penulisan kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung dalam bahasa Inggris disebut Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech.

Kedua kalimat tersebut memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Kalimat langsung digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu secara langsung dari orang yang berbicara.

Sedangkan kalimat tidak langsung digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu secara tidak langsung atau sebagai kalimat laporan.

Selengkapnya tentang Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech, simak rangkuman berikut ini.

Baca juga: Conjunction dalam Grammar: Definisi, Fungsi, Jenis-jenis, Contoh, dan Cara Penggunaan

Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech

Dikutip dari, Direct Speech dikenal sebagai pengulangan kata-kata yang diucapkan.


Sedangkan Indirect Speech merupakan kalimat pelaporan, berikut ini aturan penulisannya:

1. Aturan Perubahan Modal

Direct Speech - Indirect Speech

a. Can - Could

b. May - Might

c. Must - Had to/ Would have to

d. Should - Should

e. Might - Might

f. Could - Could

g. Would - Would

h. Ought to - Ought to

Baca juga: Conditional Sentences Tipe 0, 1, 2, dan 3, Dilengkapi Rumus, Fungsi, dan Contoh Kalimat Pengandaian

2. Aturan Perubahan Kata Kerja (Verb)

a. Jika reporting verb dalam bentuk lampau, maka kalimat langsung diubah dalam bentuk lampau (past tense).

b. Tenses pidato langsung tetap tidak berubah ketika reporting verb dalam bentuk simple present atau future tense.

c. Jika kalimat langsung mengandung kebenaran universal, maka itu tidak berubah dalam Indirect Speech.


1. Direct: Navin said, “He is young.”

    Indirect: Navin said that he was young.

2. Direct: Isha says, “I am pretty.”

    Indirect: Isha says that she is pretty.

3. Direct: Rohan will say, “I am tall.”

    Indirect: Rohan will say that he is tall.

4. Direct: They said, “The sun rises in the east.”

    Indirect: They said that the sun rises in the east.

Baca juga: 5 Aturan Penulisan Waktu dalam Bahasa Inggris, Penggunaan A.M dan P.M hingga Oclock

3. Rumus Perubahan Tenses

Rumus 1

Direct: Present simple (S +V1+ O)

Indirect: Past simple (S +V2 + O)

Rumus 2

Direct: Present continuous (S +is/am/are+V1 +ing+ O)

Indirect: Past Continuous (S +was/were+V1 +ing+ O)

Rumus 3

Direct: Present perfect (S + has/have+V3+O)

Indirect: Past perfect (S+had+V3+O)

Rumus 4

Direct: Past simple (S+V2+O)

Indirect: Past perfect (S+had+V3+O)

Rumus 5

Direct: Past Continuous (S +was/were+V1 +ing+ O)

Indirect: Past perfect continuous (S+had been+V1 +ing+ O)

Rumus 6

Direct: Future simple (S+ will/shall+V1+O)

Indirect: Present Conditional (S+ would+V1+O)

Rumus 7

Direct: Future Continuous (S +will/shall+be+V1 +ing+ O)

Indirect: Conditional Continuous (S +would+be+V1 +ing+ O)


1. Direct: Ayesha said, “Honey has left for school.”

    Indirect: Ayesha said that Honey had left for school.

2. Direct: Vidisha said, “Ananya took pasta.”

    Indirect: Vidisha said that Ananya had taken pasta.

3. Direct: They told, “We were living in Paris.”

    Indirect: They told that they had been living in Paris.

4. Direct: Ramesh said, “I will go to Sri Lanka.”

     Indirect: Ramesh said that he would go to Sri Lanka.

5. Direct: Aishwarya Said, “They will be watering plants.”

    Indirect: Aishwarya said that they would be watering plants.

( Rahmayanti)

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