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Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 125 K13, Collecting Information: Adjective, Chapter 9

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 125 K13: Collecting Information: Adjective with '-er' dan 'the -est, Chapter 9, Yes, we made it.

Penulis: Muhammad Alvian Fakka
Editor: Wahyu Gilang Putranto
zoom-in Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 125 K13, Collecting Information: Adjective, Chapter 9
buku bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 halaman 124, 125 - Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 125 K13: Collecting Information: Adjective with '-er' dan 'the -est, Chapter 9, Yes, we made it. 

6. Adjectives: short
-er: shorter
the-est: the shortest

7. Adjectives: thin
-er: thinner
the-est: the thinner

8. Adjectives: high
-er: higher
the-est: the higher

9. Adjectives: low
-er: lower
the-est: the lowest

10. Adjectives: heavy
-er: heavier
the-est: the heaviest

11. Adjectives: light
-er: lighter
the-est: the lightest

12. Adjectives: young
-er: younger
the-est: the youngest


13. Adjectives: old
-er: older
the-est: the oldest

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 189 Kurikulum 2013: Collecting Information

14. Adjectives: long
-er: longer
the-est: the longest

15. Adjectives: fast
-er: faster
the-est: the fastest

16. Adjectives: slow
-er: slow
the-est: the slowest

*) Disclaimer: Artikel ini hanya ditujukan kepada orangtua untuk memandu proses belajar anak.

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( Muhammad Alvian Fakka)

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