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Lirik Lagu Ost Drama Korea Sky Castle, We All Lie dan Terjemahan, Tayang Perdana di TransTV

Berikut lirik lagu Ost Drama Korea Sky Castle berjudul We All Lie, lengkap dengan terjemahannya. Drama Sky Castle tayang perdana di TransTV hari ini.

Penulis: Sri Juliati
Editor: Daryono
zoom-in Lirik Lagu Ost Drama Korea Sky Castle, We All Lie dan Terjemahan, Tayang Perdana di TransTV
Berikut lirik lagu Ost Drama Korea Sky Castle berjudul We All Lie, lengkap dengan terjemahannya. Drama Sky Castle tayang perdana di TransTV hari ini. 

Lagu We All Lie yang sepenuhnya berbahasa Inggris dinyanyikan oleh Ha Jin.

Lagu ini sempat dipermasalahkan dan dituding plagiat lagu Barat, setelah netizen Korea mengemukakan kesamaan antara lagu "To the Grave" karya penyanyi asal Amerika, Bea Miller dengan lagu We All Lie karya Ha Jin.

Anda dapat mendengarkan "To the Grave" oleh Bea Miller di bawah ini, diikuti oleh "We All Lie" oleh Ha Jin.

Pihak dari drama Sky Castle pun membantah tudingan ini pada 30 Januari lalu.

"Kami telah memeriksa dengan direktur musik dan lagu We All Lie bukan termasuk plagiarisme," demikian dikutip dari

Berikut lirik Ost Sky Castle We All Lie dan terjemahannya:

We all lie.
tell you the truths
sometimes we laugh and easily lie.
Alright. it’s a.. it’s faker

Berita Rekomendasi

Shout it out.
What you want for the world
Money, Honor, Beauty
Everything you want
Play with a mask to hide the truth
People cheat each other. right?

Is this really true? Is this really true? Is this really true?
Is this really true? Is this really true? Is this really true?

We all lie.
tell you the truths
sometimes we laugh and easily lie.
Alright. it’s a.. it’s faker

Shout it out.
What you want for the world
Money, Honor, Beauty
Everything you want
Play with a mask to hide the truth
People cheat each other. right?

Run away with me
It’ll be the way you want it.
Is this really true?
Is this really true?
Run away with me
It’ll be the way you want it
Is this really true?
Is this really true?

We all lie.
tell you the truths

Shout it out.
What you want for the world
Money, Honor, Beauty
Everything you want
Play with a mask to hide the truth
People cheat each other. right?

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