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Download Lagu 'ME!' dari Taylor Swift feat Brendon Urie, Lengkap dengan Lirik dan Video Clip

Berikut ini Link Download Lagu 'ME!' dari Taylor Swift feat. Brandon Urie, Lengkap dengan Lirik dan Video Clip

Penulis: Muhammad Renald Shiftanto
Editor: Sri Juliati

Berikut ini Link Download Lagu 'ME!' dari Taylor Swift feat. Brandon Urie, Lengkap dengan Lirik dan Video Clip

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Taylor Swift menggandeng vokalis dari band Panic! at The Disco, Brendon Urie untuk berkolaborasi dengan lagu barunya berjudul 'ME!'.

Video clip lagu tersebut dirilis hari ini, Jumat (26/4/2019) pukul 11.00 WIB.

(Link download lagu ada di akhir berita)

Sebelum lagu ini dirilis, Taylor Swift memberikan clue berupa gambar warna-warni, bercahaya dan samar-samar lewat akun Instagram-nya.

Sesuai dengan konsep yang ia gunakan dalam music video lagu ME!, penuh nuansa warna-warni ini.

Berita Rekomendasi

Lagu ME! ini mengisahkan sepasang suami istri yang sempat bertengkar.

Namun, keduanya mulai menyadari untuk saling menurunkan ego sebab setiap orang memiliki kepribadian masing-masing.

Berikut lirik lagu Taylor Swift - ME! feat. Brendon Urie Panic! at The Disco.

Taylor Swift - ME! feat. Brandon Urie
- Link lagu 'ME!' dari Taylor Swift feat. Brandon Urie


I Promise that you'll never find another like me

I know that I'm a handful Baby, Uh

I know I never think before I jump

And you're the kind of guy the ladies want

And there's a lot of cool chicks out there

I know that I went psycho on the phone

I never leave well enough alone

And trouble's gonna follow where I go

And there's a lot of cool chicks out there

But one of these things is not like the others

Like a rainbow with all of the colors

Baby doll when it comes to a lover

I promise that you'll never find another like me e e

Oh oh oh

I'm the only one of me

Baby That's the fun of me

Me e e

Oh oh oh

You're the only one of you

Baby that's the fun of you

And I promise that nobody's gonna love you like me e e


I know I tend to make it about me

I know you never get just what you see

I will never bore you, baby

And there's a lot of lame guys out there


And when we had that fight out in the rain

You run after me and called my name


I never want you to see you walk away

And there's a lot of lame guy out there

[Taylor & Brendon]

'Cause one of these things is not like the others

Living in winter, I am your summer

Baby doll when it comes to a lover


I promise that you'll never find another like..

Me e e

Oh oh oh

I'm the only one of me

Let me keep you company

Me e e

Oh oh oh

You're the only one of you

Baby that's the fun of you

[Taylor & Brendon]

I promise that you'll never find another like me e e

Oh oh oh


Girl there ain't no 'I' in team

But you know there is a 'me'

Strike the band up 1, 2, 3


I promise that you'll never find another like me


Girl there ain't no 'I' in team

But you know there is a 'me'

And you can't spell awesome without 'me'

[Taylor & Brendon]

I promise that you'll never find another like me e e

Oh oh oh

I'm the only one of me

I'm the only one of me

Baby That's the fun of me

Baby That's the fun of me

Me e e

Oh oh oh

You're the only one of you

Baby that's the fun of you

And I promise that nobody's gonna love you like me e e


Girl there ain't no 'I' in team

But you know there is a 'me'

I'm the only one of me

Baby that's the fun of me e e

Strike the band up 1, 2, 3

You can't spell awesome without me

You're the only one of you

Baby that's the fun of you

And I promise that nobody's gonna love you like me e e

Cara Download MP3 Taylor Swift - ME! feat. Brandon Urie via Spotify

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Baca: Download Lagu Ijuk dari Iyeth Bustami, Lengkap dengan Lirik dan Video

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Promo Spotify Bulan Ini

Bagi pengguna profider selular IM3 Oredoo, saat ini Spotify sedang melakukan diskon bagi yang melakukan langganan untuk tiga bulan kedepan.

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Promo ini akan berakhir tanggal 28 April 2019.

Berikut Link Stream atau Download Lagu ME!

Link download lagu Taylor Swift - ME! feat Brandon Urie

( Andriyani/Renald)

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