Ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam Bahasa Inggris & Indonesia, Dilengkapi Hikmah dan Keutamaannya
Simak kumpulan ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.
Penulis: Ayu Miftakhul
Editor: Citra Agusta Putri Anastasia
10. Selamat Memperingati Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 12 Rabiul Awal 1442 H/2020 M.
Semoga di hari Maulid Nabi ini kita selalu mendapat Syafaat Rasulullah dengan meneladani akhlak beliau dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Baca juga: Kumpulan Ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 2020, Cocok untuk Update Status di Media Sosial
Ucapan dalam Bahasa Inggris:
11. I wish you happy and blessed Milad un Nabi (Mawlid) 2020.
12. Blessed Mawlid to everyone as we celebrate the birth of The Teacher of teachers; mercy upon mankind and all of existence; the manifestation of Love, Peace and Kindness.
13. Today, Rasulullah SAW was born. He's our last prophet, our role, our guider and helper to Jannah.
May we're always close to him as he is close to Allah and to us. Don't forget to do shalawat, akhi & ukhti
14. Happy Eid Mawlid Al Nabi, with peace and joy to all
15. Joy comes with the birth of a right path guide, Maulid Nabi.
16. On the occasion of Mawlid al-Nabi, I wish we are showered with love and blessings of Prophet for a happy and prosperous life.
Wishing you joys and smile on Mawlid al-Nabi.
17. Sending warm greetings to you and your loved ones on Mawlid Al Nabi.
May there is goodness of joy and positivity surrounding you.
18. Warm wishes on Mawlid Al Nabi to you and your family.
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