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Resmi Jadi Miss International 2017, Kevin Liliana Beberkan Perlakuan tak Terduga Kylie Verzosa

Kevin Liliana menceritakan watak asli Miss International 2016, Kylie Verzosa.

Editor: Wahid Nurdin
zoom-in Resmi Jadi Miss International 2017, Kevin Liliana Beberkan Perlakuan tak Terduga Kylie Verzosa
Instagram @kevinlln
Kevin Liliana 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Kevin Liliana menceritakan watak asli Miss International 2016, Kylie Verzosa.

Hal tersebut Kevin Liliana tulis di akun Instagramnya @kevinlln pada Rabu (15/11/2017).

Dalam foto tersebut tampak Liliana dan Kylie Verzosa tersenyum bahagia.

Kylie Verzosa juga tampak mengenakan mahkota untuk Kevin Liliana.

Setelah mengunggah foto itu, Kevin Liliana menuliskn jika Kylie Verzosa merupakan sosok wanita yang baik.

 Citra Kirana Pamerkan Kemesraannya dengan Ali Syakieb, Netter: Mantan Akan Kembali pada Waktunya!

Tak hanya itu, Kylie Verzosa juga sosok gadis yang menginspirasi.

Berita Rekomendasi

"(15/11/17) Kylie, you’re such a lovely and adorable woman everyone must be so proud of you especially your country and Miss International Organization, you’re a great role model. Thank you so much for inspiring us

Two days ago, it was in the rehearsal. Kylie took a seat beside me and we had the lunch together. She told me about her feelings when she passed the pageant days and won Miss International 2016.

I got my goosebump when she talk about that. And then my chaperone came and gave us some water, I tried to help her to pass the bottle so I stood up and after it finished I was like to have a seat BUUUTTT I forgot the chair is the automatically flipped chair when there is nobody sitting there....

SO I FELL OFF! In front of Kylie, and all of the girls. It hurts my hips, but I also felt embarrassed
But then Kylie helped me to stand up, and she said “Are you okay? It’s going to be your luck” I guess she was giving me some bless at that time

Then in the coronation night, I thought I wasn’t gonna make it because my country haven’t mention yet until the first placement.

But at that time I was suggest myself to calm down because I already gave my best and I also proud of myself because of my performance, I feel like I did it very well. But then, suddenly they announced the winner and it was my country.

I couldn’t feel my legs and my face was uncontrolled I can’t hold it. Last night was the best moment in my life that ever happened #MissInternational2017

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