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Lirik Lagu If He Wanted To He Would - Kylie Morgan: If He Loved You, He Would Tell You

Berikut ini lirik lagu If He Wanted To He Would - Kylie Morgan. Petikan liriknya yakni "If he loved you, he would tell you".

Penulis: Miftah Salis
Editor: Ayu Miftakhul Husna
zoom-in Lirik Lagu If He Wanted To He Would - Kylie Morgan: If He Loved You, He Would Tell You
Instagram @kyliemorganmusic
Kylie Morgan- Berikut ini lirik lagu If He Wanted To He Would - Kylie Morgan. Petikan liriknya yakni "If he loved you, he would tell you". 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM- Berikut ini lirik lagu If He Wanted To He Would - Kylie Morgan.

Petikan liriknya yakni "If he loved you, he would tell you".

Lagu If He Wanted To He Would dirilis pada Juli 2022 dalam album bertajuk sama.

Baca juga: Lirik Lagu Tak Lagi Rindu - Melisa Hart: Pergilah Kau Jauh karena Ku Tak Lagi Rindu

Lirik lagu If He Wanted To He Would:

Just 'cause he liked your old picture
Don't mean he's stuck on the past
Just 'cause he talks to your brother
Don't mean he's still attached
Just 'cause he's drunk at 2 a.m.
Texts, "Hey, what's up, girl, how you been?"
Don't read too much into that
Don't mean he wants you back

If he loved you, he would tell you
If he missed you, he would call
If he wants you to meet his momma
Then he would bring you home
Oh, there ain't no excuse
He ain't Mr. Misunderstood
Quit lying to yourself
If he wanted to, he would
If he wanted to, he would

Just 'cause he said "Happy Birthday"
Don't waste a wish on him
Don't psychoanalyze him
Make it more than what it is
He won't suddenly be the somebody
You wish he always was
If he didn't, then he doesn't
If he wouldn't, then he wasn't

Berita Rekomendasi

If he loved you, he would tell you
If he missed you, he would call
If he wants you to meet his momma
Then he would bring you home
Oh, there ain't no excuse
He ain't Mr. Misunderstood
Quit lying to yourself
If he wanted to, he would
If he wanted to, he would

He might've set the bar low
But keep your standards high
Ain't telling you nothing you don't know
You know he ain't worth your time

If he loved you, he would tell you
If he missed you, he would call
If he wants you to meet his momma
Then he would bring you home
Oh, there ain't no excuse
He ain't Mr. Misunderstood
Quit lying to yourself
If he wanted to, he would
If he wanted to, he would (if he wanted to, he would)

If he wanted to, he would (if he wanted to, he would)
If he wanted to, he would (if he wanted to, he would)
If he wanted to, he would


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