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Lirik Lagu dan Terjemahan It's Only Love, Nobody Dies - Sofia Carson: So If You Take Me Home

Simak lirik lagu dan terjemahan It's Only Love, Nobody Dies yang dinyanyikan oleh Sofia Carson dalam artikel berikut.

Penulis: Gabriella Gunatyas
Editor: Salma Fenty
zoom-in Lirik Lagu dan Terjemahan It's Only Love, Nobody Dies - Sofia Carson: So If You Take Me Home
Tangkapan Layar YouTube Sofia Carson
Inilah lirik lagu dan terjemahan It's Only Love, Nobody Dies yang dinyanyikan oleh Sofia Carson. 

Wanna be falling asleep on the passenger side of your car

And if we give it a night

No matter where we are and where we're not

So give me your kiss now

Don't wanna think about going alone without

It's only love, nobody dies

Should we share a kiss? Now

Berita Rekomendasi

Don't wanna talk about going alone without

It's only love, nobody dies

I know there's a part of you, you hide

And you convinced yourself that I will hold it against you

There's other ways that you move to shield your plan

Other than this thing I only pretend to

I just wanna drive real fast

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