Chord dan Lirik Lagu Who I Am - Alan Walker ft Putri Ariani, Peder Elias, Trending di YouTube
Simak chord gitar dan lirik lagu berjudul Who I Am - Alan Walker beduet dengan Putri Ariani dan Peder Elias.
Penulis: Ayu Miftakhul
Editor: Sri Juliati
![Chord dan Lirik Lagu Who I Am - Alan Walker ft Putri Ariani, Peder Elias, Trending di YouTube](
TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Simak chord gitar dan lirik lagu berjudul Who I Am yang dipopulerkan oleh Alan Walker berduet dengan Putri Ariani dan Peder Elias.
Lagu Who I Am telah dirilis sejak 4 Januari 2023, lalu.
Diunggah di kanal YouTube Alan Walker, lagu Who I Am telah diperdengarkan lebih dari 1,1 juta kali.
Hingga Rabu (10/1/2024), lagu Who I Am juga masih menduduki jajaran trending di YouTube.
Berikut chord gitar dan lirik lagu Who I Am - Alan Walker ft Putri Ariani, Peder Elias:
Intro : Em
Verse :
Don't say this don't say that
C Am D
I'm not playing by the rules if they were made by you
I won't break just like that
I'll make my own mistakes till
Am D
I'm wrong in all right ways
Save all your tears
You don't wanna waste them on me
I'm not gonna be just like them
Am D
This is just the way that I am
Head in the clouds
I do not fit into the crowd
Am D G C
Baby its all making perfect sense
Am B7
Cause this is who I am
Who I am
Interlude :
D Am D G C Am B7
Back to Verse
Back to Interlude
Chorus :
Em C D Em
If only I was wide awake
There's more than I can take
Em D G
And when you dive into the blue
I'll be right next to you
C D Em
I never wanna miss a thing
We fall in love again
Em D G
You know I may hold on to June
Cause all that you go through
I'm with you
Interlude :
D Em C D Em D G
C D C D Em C D Em D G
Cause all that you go through I'm
C D C D Em C D Em D G C D
Cause all that you go through I'm with you
Baca juga: Chord Gitar Lagu Mungkinkah - Stinky, Kunci dari C: Tetes Air Mata Basahi Pipimu
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