9. Selamat memperingati Isra Miraj 1444 H/2023. Semoga keindahan bulan Rajab tertanam dalam hati dan benak kita, disertai dengan doa dan harapan agar kita selalu mendapat rahmat-Nya.
10. Jadikan momen peringatan Isra Mijra sebagai motivasi untuk meningkatkan amal dan ibadah kita kepada Allah SWT. Selamat Hari Isra Miraj 1444 h/2023.
Ucapan Selamat Isra Miraj 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris
1. Happy Isra Miraj of Prophet Muhammad SAW, 27 Rajab 1444 H for all Moslem all over the world! Allah bless you.
2. On this holy occasion of Al Isra’a Wal Mi’raj 2023, wishes you peace and happiness.
3. Prophet Muhammad SAW is my, your, and our hero. Celebrate the day with staying on His way and be a better person. Happy Isra Miraj 1444 H/2023.
4. Let us praise what Muhammed saw and also not forget to praise the meaning of his journey.
5. Happy Isra Miraj for the Muslim in the world, Allah bless us.
Baca juga: 35 Link Twibbon Isra Miraj 1444 H, Dilengkapi Cara Membuatnya, Cocok Dibagikan ke Media Sosial
6. Let us remember Isra Wal Mi’raj night as the night of forgiveness. Happy Isra Miraj 1444 H/2023!
7. Happy Isra Miraj for you and all muslim in the world. Hopefully today can be a blessed day for all of us.
8. On this Isra and Mi’raj let us praise the law of Prophet Muhammad.
9. Al Isra Wal Mi’raj The Miraculous Journey Of Prophet Mohammad SAW.
10. Happy Isra Miraj of Prophet Muhammad SAW for all Moslem all over the world. May Allah bless you.