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Tribun Ramadan

40 Ucapan Selamat Ramadhan 2022/1443 H Berbahasa Inggris, Bisa untuk Pesan juga Status Media Sosial

Bulan Ramadan 2022/1443 H, adalah bulan yang spesial bagi umat muslim di seluruh dunia.

Penulis: garudea prabawati
Editor: Arif Fajar Nasucha
zoom-in 40 Ucapan Selamat Ramadhan 2022/1443 H Berbahasa Inggris, Bisa untuk Pesan juga Status Media Sosial
ILUSTRASI Ramadan - 

24. Ramadan is here! Delightful the work season totally. Be polite, pray attentively. That you should be blessed and protected by the Almighty.

25. I thank Allah for giving me a chance to correct what I did wrong, to repent and to enjoy His blessings. And just want you to know that you’re one of those blessings I truly appreciated. Happy Ramadan to you!

26. May Allah keep you away from harm and trouble? As you fast and pray on Ramadan, may all of your sin be forgiven and may you be blessed with peaceful life for each day ahead. Happy Ramadan!

27. May the divine Allah shower you with lots of blessings this Ramadan? May all your prayers be answered? Happy Ramadan!

28. This message lets you know that you are remembered and missed on this holy festival of Ramadan. Happy Eid Mubarak to you!

29. Before I start reciting prayers on Quran, let me tell you one thing: You are remembered and prayed for. May you have a peaceful and splendid Ramadan!

30. May the blessings and protection of Allah be with you. Wish you a Happy Ramadan!

Berita Rekomendasi

Dikutip dari Birmingham Live:

31. This means Blessed Ramadan, may Ramadan bring us blessings. It's the equivalent of saying Happy Ramadan.

32. This means Generous Ramadan, wishing people many good rewards during the month.

33. There are many other things that can be said to those observing Ramadan.

34. May this Ramadan be as bright as ever.

35. Wishing you all the blessings of the holy month.

36. As you fast and offer prayers to Allah, may you find your peace and happiness. Have a peaceful and happy Ramadan

Baca juga: Jadwal Imsakiyah Kota Surakarta 1-30 Ramadan 1443 H/2022, Dilengkapi Waktu Azan Magrib

Sumber: Tribun Lombok
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